Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Why is it that, when u clearly establish a routine...the moment you plan to do something it doesn't fly? So this morning I was supposed to start running...banking on the fact that i would wake up at 5am. What time did i wake up you ask? ...545...I just got up...jumped rump..and got in the shower... Yesterday was day 1 of my fast...twasn't bad but...there was cake @ last nights soirée..and sweet jesus it looked so good...marble cake with sugar cream topping..everywhere I turned everyone was asking why i wasn't having any cake...nor punch..and i had to explain over and over that i was on a fast from sweets pretty much...it's not hard because on the daily i don't consume alot of sweets it's just that temptation when you're not supposed to have them...yesterday i had coffee and pretty much found out i couldn't have coffee as well...The whole office is just about on it..but a few of my coworkers exclaimed that they must have they're coffees(again with the s thing)... Anyway it's funny because one coworker is not on it and she eats in the main office with us...as we all convened yesterday for lunch..we all had salads or some type of steamed veggie w/ brown rice..she pulls out McDonald's Cheeseburgers..now the funny thing about it is..she complains about her health and weight gain..as well as the impending fear of a thyroid problem but she was bragging about how if we had any fatty foods we could ship them her way..we all kinda just looked at her side ways and continued on our health quest... I always think it's funny when people talk about and complain about the same things over and over again..and never wanna do anything about..and she's one of those people.. anyway...fast forward to when i got home...Ideally you aren't to eat at least a hour and a half before you go to bed..and when i think of this i often get flustered and go to bed without eating..only to have it compounded when i wake up..starving..and what may i have for breakfast you ask?...why..grains and oats...(oatmeal) blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... I'm going to see how far i get on this thing..because i am use to my morning cup of joe but this morning I'm having jasmine tea no sweetener..exciting right?... All this to say how excited I am that they are finally putting a Starbucks around my way..yes! But they prolly wont open till Fall so I'm still good folks..

After a brief conversation with a friend in which they had me dying about the perils of being single and having to weed thru things. Just like picking thru clothing @ sales...dating isn't easy..nothings easy...why should it be? They asked me how i dealt with getting to know people...easily i exclaimed...They always weed themselves out..and for me this holds true..for some reason or another something happens..some chemistry doesn't connect..the dating gods see fit to frown upon my date from hell....
I also notice that people want instant relationships when things take time to develop..true once u have establish your interest with someone then it should go from there but things need coaching and coaxing...people don't date at the same rates..and we all are looking for something different..and be honest...are u honest with people when u initially meet them? All this adds up to tomfoolery and fuckery..someone ends up mad and then you're back to square one.. One of my friends is a big pro-craigslist person..another match.com...i cant see me making an ad and taking someone serious who responds to my ISO laughter and realness request...I also cant see me paying to peruse a site full of men who are ready to marry you upon the second date.. eh well..single is what single does..



At 5:21 AM , Blogger rashad said...

Do NOT sleep on the greatness of oatmeal. You can get regular flavor and hook it up with your own fixings, but cinnamon in it, or maybe its a raisin kind of morning, or even nutmeg. oatmeal is for the childern

At 5:58 AM , Blogger BewRadley said...

*shakes head

At 6:55 AM , Blogger Carls said...

Props to you. I don't think I could wake up, workout, and go to work. Wake up and workout wouldn't be a problem it's the going to work part after is like blah. I don't fair well with the whole changing eating habits. I don't think I would at least. So I don't try.

Just like that people lose me with the whole forcing things it either works or it doesn't. Please don't make things more then they are and acknowledge the movement of time or the lack there of.


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