Thursday, December 06, 2007

From the weird dreams files:

And so it goes. I'd moved out of town(don't know what city). I took a 4 room basement apartment for 950 a month. Upon moving in, i discovered the main area was like a loft. Kitchen, living room and dining room, one open space. But when u walk over towards the kitchen there were 3 doors. One door led to a endless hallway/room of showers...nothing but showers. I run back out the door, close it and think that's weird. But initially thought in the dream, if i have company i'd have plenny room. Next door was a room with another woman's stuff in it..I mean it was crammed every where and in the nooks and crannies of her stuff were sleeping cats..I said awwww and someones gonna need to come get her stuff or the landlord is gonna have to move it. The third door was a bedroom with an adjacent master bath. It was very bright and opulent. I immediately took to the room, stood there and surveyed the layout. I leave back out into the main living loft area, which was a basement type grey or maybe it was beige but it was just normal. So i'm sitting on this love seat and i hear a knock at my door. I open it, it's a dude...I don't know the dude, didn't see his face but he came in and sat down. We're rapping..come to find out he's meeting the landlord to look at my spot..i mean i'd just moved it..then it dawned on me i'd left Ella(my cat) in baltimore. I panicked instantly. Called Deana she said she'd bring her to me..which was funny since she's allergic but this is where the story turns odd-er. So then instantly my landlord turns up with a work crew to amend the shower area and the room full of stuff. Also with him is another person looking at the apartment. I say excuse me i'm renting this, to which the landlord says...i figured you didn't like it...i said well i mean it needs some work but i'm here and i'm staying. The work crew is still working...the 2 other people are still there. Over in the far left hand side of the apartment I noticed some drapes. I go over trying to see what it was..It's a small hallway connecting to another apartment...ugh!, I think...i go further left and pull the drape's a bar/lounge front, and people are standing there waiting to get into my apartment. I open the door to ask a question and they all just come in. Everyone just chillin in my loft style basement apartment. I'm walking around confused like wtf! I announce that i am tired and need some one moves..i go outside of my apartment and say to a bouncer type dude standing there..u wanna give me a hand? He says you just gotta be stern...deliver with authority. So i go back in and say alright folks time to go, i don't know what u're here for but it's not my apartment..One by one they file out. As i let the last person out, i see someone straggling out of the shower area. I go in to see if anyone else is in one..i come out...Ella is on the love seat. I sit beside her and she says..this is your life... then i woke! I mean what does it mean?...I woke up confused as hell..i can't begin to explain how i sat on the edge of my bed rubbing my eyes and looking at my cat(like she's gonna tell me what's up) who was sitting beside me(usually when i get up in the morning i go to the bathroom first..she escorts me.
Usually I'll interpret a dream but it was so much in that much... i wouldn't know where to begin...any ideas?


At 5:43 AM , Blogger rashad said...

You want to move, and you want to stay, and there are challenges involved with both and maybe Ella represents your comfort zone*

*I have no clue what i'm talking about

At 7:02 AM , Blogger BewRadley said...

i hate u
but mayhaps it could be

At 11:07 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

yeah i agree with rashad...but also could be that you have a lot of people just milling around in your life that maybe you should be a little more stern with? i dunno...


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