Monday, December 03, 2007

Just about the only set back to lounging and watching football all day is the restless backlash you experience when trying to go to sleep after all the excitement is done. After watching the last of the games I turned my teevee off in hopes that I'd drift off to sleep. Not so...And this was at about 1140 pm... I found myself switching aimlessly thru channels trying to find something that might induce my sleeping..fat chance...and on top of that I had the nerve to get a head headache. I mean I did venture out at least once yesterday. I went to the grocery to pick up things for Sunday's(homeade chicken noodle soup..and i had a taste for buffalo wings) dinner and a few things for lunch this week. Generally I am an early riser. Waking up at 800am-ish on the weekends. I suppose that's how i get alot done :). But it has it's drawbacks. People know I'm up so they text me that early..but it backfires when I'm not woke and i get a good morning text...albeit it makes me smile that people are thinking of me so early in the morning but damn....I didn't go to sleep till 23oam..and i woke up at 5...nice right? The strange thing is I don't feel tired. I guess that'll change about 12pm. I made me some chai tea this morning and am sipping it as i type this out. My weekend was very laid back in comparison to what i have planned for the next month. This is the only weekend I'll have a lull in my activities...kicking things off in DC this weekend. I love DC..even scouted apartments there...but i wasn't compelled..I am however compelled to move my ass outta bmore. I don't know why I'm so restless here but who knows(maybe it's all the condos going up..and the rapidly rising cost of rents downtown..and if i can't live downtown or close to it..I'd rather not do it). I scoped out a few cities..and the hunt is going successfully.

Saturday I drove with my good friend Zee to take her mom to Dulles. Her mom is a Jehovah's witness missionary in the Dominican Republic. I'm not gonna lie that sounds intriguing as hell. She lives on about a acre of land and lives lavishly with little to no job. This woman use to hold 2 jobs while she was here..owned several properties and decided to let it all go..She's the most relaxed I've seen her in years. I've always thought of just picking up and leaving the US too...becoming and ex patriot is another thing on my list of to do's.

I was supposed to check out my homeboy and Little Brother last night..but it was nasty out..and i really didn't feel like hot footin it to the spot they were at.

I think other than washing my clothing and secure my flight weekend was pretty unproductive..

Lastly...air travel is the devil...ticket cost are the devil...but a necessary evil :)


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