Wow, where to much has happened since i blogged last. I thought i'd have a lil internet access but not so.
Dec. 30th i flew to CO to kick off 08 proper like. Replete with a styling job on hand..I did the damn thing. I can say with no hesitation in my voice that...people go to CO to either die or settle down..because it's not a damn thing to do there. But my hosts mos def made me feel right at home from start to finish. A few things i noticed in my travel.
-way more kids are travelling alone.
-Hartfield is the devil..having said that
-Denver's airport is the devil as well
-airport subways are the shit!!!
-who travels at 9am on a fri..apparently everyone who left DEN with me
-the longer i stayed in CO my skin began to peel.
-my murmur only gave me a problem 2 times..but i told no one..
-you can literally drive around DEN and see errything in 20 mins.
-there are black folks in CO
-the only place people know in CO is i look like an Aspen chick?
-my haircut is way too much for ATL...and CO as well
-4 hour layovers are the devil too.
-flight delays are a pain in the ass
-folks were looking at me strangely in ATL as i walked thru the port with my ed reed jersey on.
-beer is not your friend on a flight when u have the window seat..they should have some kinda peeing device for long rides or trips
-window seats are underrated..the aisle seat sucks ass
-xm on planes is eh..i mean i dont like evrything they play
-can they bring back peanuts on flights.
-why was likka 5 a cup...bullshit!
-Sha is dope shit in many states
-the time difference fucked with bammas was textin me at 6am CO time!
-my appetite was gone..and i dont know why..i'm on that nicole ritchie son!
-I have the capabilities to have a great stylin future.
I took a few pics of the skies Here's one
I was frantic when i missed my flight coming out of Denver friday. I was so afraid i would miss my party..but it wasn't meant to be..I made it home without incident...but i didnt get that rest I needed...i believe i shall crash tonight..and not wake up till monday morning for work.
The party was fantastic..turn out was ok..I made a small list of things we can do to improve it..but it was awesome..the dj rocked..i rocked and that's bout all. :)
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