Monday, February 25, 2008

I'm still on a post homecoming high. One should never revel in someone else's sadness nor misfortune...But I'll be damned if looking better than 90% of the people that hated on you in college isn't a boost. I mean those chicks in college who the dudes deemed as "phat," were always a hamburger or 4 away from Aretha status. And it is with great pleasure that i report that I killed at homecoming. From the hair to the lip gloss(MAC lip lacquer in Veneer) i broke out, I killed it. Quite a few dudes made mention of my lips and how they were poppin..Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.. However no chicks mentioned how nice i looked. Seemingly all my compliments came from dudes. NO phone numbers passed or anything it was more a , "you always been on that different fashion shit." In a sea of women(including the college chicks) dressed alike...weaves..heels..skinny jeans..I threw caution to the wind and did it successfully. Am i tooting my own horn? why yes i am! LOL!

Sunday I spent the greater portion of the day catching up with an old college sweetheart. We did brunch and hung out afterwards. The day went by so fast..but i throughly enjoyed myself. Is there romancing rekindling on the horizon? who the hell knows, but I'm not banking on it.

In the past month ya girl has been on fire meeting dudes. But for whatever reason a few fell off..and i ain't even mad. Just dealing and talking to the 3 dudes, I've come to the realization that some folks just want you to go above and beyond. Sorta like they expect you to do certain things. I'm not a call you ever day person. And I may not answer my phone all the time but does that mean we play tit for tat? Also what's with dudes phones getting disconnected..Maybe this is judgmental of me but i kinda frown when grown ass men's cell's are disconnected. I mean you cant handle a cell phone bill? ugh!

I also heard from dude who was straight trying to have a date @ 1am.. He said I'm still on his shit list..but hell..i said if this teaches you anything, it's that I'm a prime time woman...not a midnight hour one homes...and knowing is half the battle.


At 3:39 PM , Blogger rashad said...

1am date? that's mighty bold

At 6:00 AM , Blogger BewRadley said...

yup yup...all i could do was laugh. he has since apologized..when people hear you live downtown they think they can just stop u cant!


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