Friday, February 22, 2008

"In the beginning of dating, you set the precedent. It is those things you do in the beginning that sets the tone of your relation."(c) My granny

I wanted to type this while it was still fresh on my mind.
I'd met this guy while he was working at Morgan. Maybe 3 months ago he stopped working there. He took another job and asked for my phone number. Every once and a while he would text me. He was a friendly and congenial type of dude. Always easy going when i saw him, so i didn't mind that he wanted to keep in touch. Well today i get a text from him. He wanted to hang out and mentioned he wanted to hit this sushi spot near me. This was at 930 p.m. that he started making plans. By 10 we hand hammered down that we would meet, 11 @ the spot..So the whole time he's texting me...11 goes by, not a word.. 1130,he claimed there was a traffic back up at Pratt and that he was stuck in traffic...I wasn't bothered..XS doesn't close till 2...i told him he had until 1230..anything after I was going to bed, for i have to get up early to drive to the eastern shore for homecoming tomorrow. So of course @ 1225 i get a text that he was stuck..still in traffic that he mentioned. I just told him we can reschedule, because at this point i was tired and a bit annoyed. He goes on and on via text mind you, that this was last minute and that he really wanted to see me. Bear in mind he had asked to see me at the middle of the 9 o clock hour to hang. Anyway...i bid him goodnight..and magically he says he's on my street..and i had to come down..well at this point he met the bitch..i said i didn't have to do a thing and that it was funny that he magically was on my block as i said good night...he whines that it wasn't his fault and how the traffic had messed him up. Now, ya know i'm not a bitch i swear, but dude said he was coming from Canton...which is less that 20 mins away from my apartment..So he continues to send text..asking me to come down to the car...that late night come down to the car madness hasn't been hot since i was in college(94-98). I mean just wasn't feeling it..this bamma had the nerve to say i made him waste gas. I texted back, "you trippin, go head home." dah well... *shrugs* I mean i know it ain't that deep but, i mean wth? dude it's almost 1 in the am..If i do this..this one'll think it's cool to come and hang out at 1 am all the time..or think it's ok to just chill in yo damn car..nah i'm good..

In other news i'm super stoked about homecoming..wooooooooooooooooo go hawks!

The Laced jawn was fun as usual..way too many hilarities to type..but these are my highlights: the lesbian jawn giving me highfives as i whooped that ass in wii bowling, the champ being tipsy and doing his usual drunk hiliraties, the champ's thirsty homeboy who seemed like he just got outta jail..hehe,keke dodging ole girls kisses lol but getting locked down, union station at 130 is disgusting!,the hilarious tipsy text, seeing kdean and getting home at 400am.

update..i just got a text from him saying i owe him a night..ahahah yeah right...


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