Friday, February 15, 2008

Pork rinds in the morning....

As i sipped my coffee this morning, while awaiting the bus..a lady and her 3 kids passed by me. I noticed that the 3 kids were all stair steps and I smiled. They were cute and as spry as they could be at 700am..and well cold. But as I sipped my coffee more and smiled again..i noticed they were eating something. I knew it wasn't a banana nor a muffin. So i thought what could they be eating at 700am, other than something of nutritional value. It was pork rinds! BBQ Pork Rinds. WTF? Ummm and they had apparently just bought the bag..I mean when think of how nasty pork rinds are and how they congeal in your throat, it's just nasty...and let alone for breakfast. I wish I coulda slapped the mom cause that shit was tacky. And to wash it down you know the babies had a lil hug(a qtr water for some) Not one but all three took turns digged into this big ass bag. I could feel my arteries winching as they munched and munched..the moment felt like forever as i looked in horror. This white chick was walking down the street and smiled at the kids as well..until she saw the rinds..and she made a wtf? face and passed..she turned back around to make sure her eyes had not deceived her..she looked at me for understand...i had i shook my head...then she looked at me again as if to say "get ya people."

So last night me and the bff went out for drinks after work @ Midtown..I was amazed at how many folks was in that piece. We all had laughs and i took over the jukebox..a dude kept feeding me money I kept playing the hits...Deans had already been there since about 3..i joined her at 5..when i got there she was so glossy eyed it didnt make any sense. She introduced me to her cohorts..and the party ensued. Now at about 7 the dudes wanted to take a shot...what shot did they pick..grand marnier..I had already had 2 vodka tonics(which they tried to get me to drink stoli ras and cranberry)and then i took the shot..I hadn't had anything to drink since 12ish but I was fine...Shortly thereafter i looked over at deans and she looked green about the gills...I escorted her to the bathroom..she assured me she was fine.. needless to say we cut the night short at 9. Tonight we are to go out but i don't know if she'll have as much to drink as she did last night.


At 7:44 AM , Blogger rashad said...

perhaps the gas station they bought the rinds from was fresh out of beef jerky


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