Saturday, September 08, 2007

Nothing like being called a bitch to get the juices flowing....

So friday night i went to check out a concert, hang out with folks and trip out. It was a friday..and that's what friday's are made for unless you're dating someone and that's date night..anyway...we were in there mingling and having fun..i go downstairs to rap a taste with some folks who weren't let into the show upstairs which was shady but okkkkkkkkkkkkkkk...So no sooner am i trippin out and laughing...i hear commotion and then i see several folks leaving..perfomers and i'm like wow what's going on...i go to seek a mgr to get a refund...mistake #1...So i'm calmly asking the chick for my refund when she says.."shut the fuck up bitch..u dont know what the fuck you're talking about." and pretty much my temperature rose from there. Anyone that knows me knows i dont take kindly to being called something so crass..especially when i'm being calm and very professional...immediately i was dragged away...but i stood there because i wanted my apology..mistake#2..wasnt gonna happen..well rather not from the employee came over and apologized...then here she comes down the steps with a human barricade around her..she kinda like ice grilled me but whatever i thought...clearly the bitch was unstable. So i'm leaving out...drinking the rest of my merlot and a friends husband went behind the bar...which was a bit much but eh...she threatened to call the police one mo gin..and then i'd had it..i threw my wine on her...almost threw the glass...i was so heated..i had to leave and walk across the street...when i dont have an outlet for my anger i am prone to cry and not breath..last night was one of those one saw for 1 person and she's seen me like that before...i'm not proud of my bad ass temper but it's rarely seen and some now see why.. After the fiasco we all went to the more drunk and carried on with the evening...*sigh* the amount of text i received was was like the ap press junket...Monday begins my writing campaign..apparently this is not this chicks first time verbally assaulting and assaulting a patron...gentrification man.... aint it a bitch!?


At 7:56 PM , Blogger rashad said...

wowwwwww(c)chuck d's sidekick


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