Friday, October 12, 2007

Craigslist Bmore sucks...and what's worse, people cant read.
I made my ad specific...and still i got responses from as far as DC.
Geez who knew it would be so hard to replace a 19" teevee...People selling teevees no remotes..teevees, color is slightly off..I mean really I'm not a swap meet. Having said that I still don't have a teevee. Zarina offered me a cable teevee tuner for my laptop..if only she can find the dern thing :) I'm not too good thing is that i get to catch up on music and reading..things i normally don't do because I'm stuck watching csi, law and order(svu and ci), or any random beauty and lifestyle program. I'll be damned if i haven't tried to turn that burnout tv back on in hopes that it would pop back dice. It's not as if I have nothing to do..I have a PS1, PS2, PSP, NintendoDS, and a laptop...and plenny books...I briefly dated a dude that sent me a book a week..we dated for 2 months... so yeah..

Yesterday in the midst of my day this guy that's become fodder and padding for my life dating experience pops up on AIM. Now we briefly had a thing but dude was just an asshole..and often when people are rude and sarcastic(all the damn time) they do it because some shit is wrong internally..yes I'm generalizing but in my experience those dudes that I've dated, that have done this had some deeper issue. Anyway...The night before when my teevee actually blew he texted me..we went back and forth for about 10 mins and as is with any text/aim/call with dude it always ends with me just leaving the convo(not on a high mr mobley) So yesterday I mean he's really really going on and on about how he hopes i have a good evening watching must see tv..just all kind of jokes that i wasn't feeling after oh let's see the 15th motherfucking one. So i merely said..if i had any inkling of romantic feeling towards you..u kilt that shit...then this nigga wanted to play his el sensitivo card..needless to say..fuck that the fuck u finna be a asshole but have esteem issues...get some help buddy.

I briefly went to Eden's to hear Yamamanym @ Eden's Lounge.
It was supposed to be the kick off to the Morgan State Homecoming Weekend.
I never take part in MSU festivities because i hate when the students stare at me trying to figure out an i the chick that works in the Dean's Office..Yes i am..No you can't turn in your application with me(you'd be amazed) I had a good time...good company and good dranks..I'm glad Bee pried me out my house.

This weekend is the girlyswap and i haven't gotten anything together..I got rid of more than i thought the last time i cleaned out my closet..I'll figure something out..


At 5:19 AM , Blogger rashad said...

I know you've gotten a million and one suggestions at this point, but until a tv comes, why not get a netflix acct. and watch movies on your laptop..

At 7:15 AM , Blogger BewRadley said...

a friend of mine sent me a link to a place on the net to get I'm getting as we speak.


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