Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Some days my life is absolutely boring...and last night was no exception. I came in the house thinking all i wanted to do was lay in my bed and sleep..but it turned into a 2.5 hour cleaning frenzy...with the exception of cleaning the stove...everything in my apt is as close to spotless as it can be..I cleaned in a tanktop and my boy cut shorts(even mopped the common area floor landing with em on)...I used a new product on my floors and fixtures this time...I'm generally leery of lemon scented products but this one smelled fresh and clean..it was pinesol...typically i'd use the regular pinesol...but i picked this up..and used it on everything...i think i sent my cat into a cleaning product tizzy because she did this lil breakdance move on the kitchen floor once i had finished mopping..which is crazy in and unto itself because this chick doesn't like baths but she'll splay herself across a damp floor...hey clean how u wanna clean kitty..anyway..i lifted and dust every pair of shoes on the floor...the ones on the shelf are a whole nother beast...But by the time i laid/sat on my bed post shower..i was so damn tired and satisfied..nothing like a clean apt to fall asleep in... Wed. night i'll do my stove..How's that for an exciting life? I don't tend to complain during my down time because when my life spins it spins..for instance like the month of may i think every weekend i was outta town or somewhere other than my apt.

Now that we've talked about my delicious life.. let's talk about my impending trip to Miami...I'm traveling with my homies..so that's 4 to a room..roughly our individual parts as it stands is 180 for the room for 4 days...and they haven't staked out our airfare as of yet..but I'm sure it'll be the priciest of the total package.. But as I'm looking over the listing for the trip...it's all my married friend/engaged/prengaged/sacked up..so they're all like well we got our money..we just waiting on sha..well hell yeah u waiting on me..and i really don't have to go...u haven't even gotten the plane tickets and i'm supposedly lagging behind..But it's funny when someone in a 2 income household tries to compare finances to that of a single person...Not only do u have your money but u have your man's money..and it is indeed used as a means to supplement their own income...or at least absorb half of those bills..and it's times like this that i think of moving and getting a room mate..but then i begin to think of all the things i couldn't do if i lived with someone....so i comprised a list: walk around in undies, walk around naked, your company couldn't roam around freely, no more naked cooking...watching tv in yo draws in the common area...no loud music(altho my music isnt really loud now), no loud sex noises, and possibly no kittay...This is a portion of my list but as u can see i lounge around in my skivvies alot..and not saying a roomie wouldn't appreciate those quirky things about me..but it may annoy them...my last bout with roomies was a mess...i had 3 in college..in a 4 bedroom house..and it still wasn't enough room for me not to kill them...at any rate i really like my apt and my space(even tho it's small) I love it...and it's mine.. *insert evil laughter* See there i lost my train of thought.

Oh... Iced Coffee...see this blog entry is pretty much a rap

Lastly it's hot as hell out...very muggy..i had a hard time breathing as i commuted into work this morning..and i generally lug a bottled water with me. It didn't help. So be careful out there..Oh yeah i wont be skipping MaryKay tonight but i found an interesting website..basically bashing MK. It's funny because the content hasnt been updated since last year but whatever...read up on some Fresh Hate


At 5:12 AM , Blogger rashad said...

i find as my boys and i get older, we can do the shared room thing anymore when we got out of town. we'd end up killing each other


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