Friday, February 29, 2008

The housewarming is this saturday. I'm so proud of the BFF. This is her first spot alone...on the solo. She's lived with people before but never completely by herself. What's even more, her mama is so proud of her. I guess there's nothing like that feeling when your children is succeeding at life.

The weekend is shaping up to be awesome. We have several friends coming from out of town. Because we know how our friends are...D's having a 2 part housewarming..the one for the grown folk and family..the second for the friends..and it gets warmer..owwwwwwwwwwww..

I was supposed to have a date yesterday but, dude called and said he was still at work. He wouldn't get off till 7 he texted.. I didn't see anything wrong with that, seeing as how he could be dressed and ready to rock by this bamma holla he wouldn't get to my house till 10? wtf? Is that what's hot in the streets? Dude even had the nerve to say and that's with him Oh brother what have I gotten myself into...Champ do you take 3+ hours to get ready? Coach??? Carls??? Ladies have ya dude taken this long to get ready??? I'm saying

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Sometimes I think it would be awesome if i had my own reality show. Not so much on the narcissistic tip...but because some funny shit happens to me. Below is a tale..

Last thursday, as I do seemingly every month I went to the LAced Party @ Cue Bar. I did not go to Dilla Day and I did not go to the 18th street Lounge. I really got comfy at Cue Bar. My homeboy had mentioned previously, letting me facilitate the nintendo wii for him since he had to mingle amongst the folks. I agreeded, because that gave me an excuse to beat down innocents in bowling.. Often when I come to DC, I never have a set game plan. I know usually someone will let me crash or my homeboy would give me a ride back home if he wasn't tied up. Now previously I had discussed with said homeboy my intentions of staying over night in dc to catch the portraiture exhibit..but after talking to the champ..i decided against. Still not sweating the small stuff..i drank and drank..people bought me homeboy who was throwing the party supplied me with drank. I'd made plans with a dude to see him later that night, but the catch was he didn't know what time he'd be finished with his families function. Me thinking I had time..settled in and had a ball..I got a text at 10:00, that he was home..I texted back..I'm kinda doing my homeboy a solid is 11pm too late? To which he said yes...I'm not gonna go on and say ...this is how i felt-->nigga for u to tell me at the last minute you was home and i'm supposed to drop everything and ball wasn't happening..i had to say goodnight and make sure my homeboy had his wii situation was under any rate when he said 11 was too didn't dawn on me to hit my other folks up for a place to crash...i still had another other homeboy was out that night..and i asked if he was going back to which he gave me this weird as,"oh I'm riding you home tonight," phrase. I just kinda look at him and was like alright...kept drinking...I was fully prepared not to let some sticks in the mud ruin my otherwise good evening..The night winds down and I say my goodbyes...I catch a cab to union station..i knew it was gonna be a funny rest of the evening when the cabby almost broad sided someones car. I get to Union Station, drunk and my train train leaves at it's 145am..i can do this..i vow not to sleep or I'd miss my I'm in this surreal state..and what i experienced next I'm not really sure if it happened or didn't..

So, I'm kinda resting on a seat in front of the gate i need to leave from and this dude sits down. Average looking cat with a pea coat on. There's a Vanity Fair sitting beside me, someone had left it. He just picked it up...which was surprising but it coulda been mine..anywho..dude furiously thumbs thru it starts breathing hard and next thing i know his hand is in his pants...I'd be lying if i said i didn't look but i kinda shot him this knowing look like yo..the men's bathroom is a few steps away u may wanna go do that there...but he just looked me in the eyes and keep rubbin his junk..It was then that i knew this cat was on some deviant, watch me as i masturbate shit. As much as people are repulsed by said public displays u cant help but look..or maybe that's just me. I was determined not to give dude what he wanted, so i got up and went to the ladies i did that i dont know...what waited for me there was a bigger mess.

I'm in the ladies bathroom and it smells to the high heavens. I search for a stall to pee in..and lo and behold just about every stand was occupied...I waited for a second then it dawned on me that the homeless chicks were using the stalls to sleep. I think i almost earled in my mouth a bit..Just the mere fact that u're sleepin in a smelly bathroom..ugh...i mean shoes off and everything...i also heard moaning..:(

I had no choice but to go back out by the gate and take a seat(no dude to be found..magazine was still there tho). Before I knew was 315. I boarded my train..determined not to sleep again..Amtrak does not wake u..and well if u sleep and miss ya train u could end up in Boston. I finally got home and in my bed at 430am....I was so tired...I knew i wasn't going to work..after the night i had, i wanted to chill...and as if God heard me..on cue @ 6am, I got the notice that my job was closed..score!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Last night as a lay in bed I came up with a list...entitled:
The Tired List..(things that i'm tired of..)

-politics..tho they are necessary...i'm tired of the back and forth, peoples preoccupation with it..what will they talk about when the political banter is dead?..nothing..the worse is when people who don't normally talk politics wanna get all pundit-like on you..ugh..sthu!

- the winter/spring like weather...pick one already..i mean one day it's beautiful, the next it's a hot mess. I'm so ready for some constant sun and warmth.

- the bullshitters..particularly the people who think they bullshittin me and are getting no where..the ones that get angry when i pay them no mind and put no weight into what they's all gibberish to me.

-venues and party you well know..or some of you know i promote and throw parties..these venues think they hot shit..i mean the crowd is there sometimes but things aren't consistent in bmore. well i take that back..the one thing that is consistent is that the parties fall for a few parties that i would never attend because of the clientèle. the reason i got into throwing parties was because people like myself complained about not having anywhere to go to vibe with like minded individuals..i'm starting to see that some folks just like to complain..because these same folks don't support or always have something come up..

-the price of is all i can say..3.03..just wow..i feel sorry for people who have suv's..i know yall wishing yall had a compact now. Part of the reason i don't think i'll get a car anytime soon..well that, the price to park and maintain a car in downtown bmore.'s one of those necessary evils to get to the person that's meant for you..but i'll be damned if it aint lined with toads..and it seems u must kiss them all in order to discover your prince.. *ralphs*

-last and certainly not person..i shall call him the scorpion. how can one say they value a friendship when they constantly work to throw things in the others face. It's been 4 years and i'm off this merry go round. i wish u the best on the next phase of your i telling you i'm out?..nope...but when u go to reach for me..i wont be there. -sincerely..the tortoise.

Monday, February 25, 2008

I'm still on a post homecoming high. One should never revel in someone else's sadness nor misfortune...But I'll be damned if looking better than 90% of the people that hated on you in college isn't a boost. I mean those chicks in college who the dudes deemed as "phat," were always a hamburger or 4 away from Aretha status. And it is with great pleasure that i report that I killed at homecoming. From the hair to the lip gloss(MAC lip lacquer in Veneer) i broke out, I killed it. Quite a few dudes made mention of my lips and how they were poppin..Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.. However no chicks mentioned how nice i looked. Seemingly all my compliments came from dudes. NO phone numbers passed or anything it was more a , "you always been on that different fashion shit." In a sea of women(including the college chicks) dressed alike...weaves..heels..skinny jeans..I threw caution to the wind and did it successfully. Am i tooting my own horn? why yes i am! LOL!

Sunday I spent the greater portion of the day catching up with an old college sweetheart. We did brunch and hung out afterwards. The day went by so fast..but i throughly enjoyed myself. Is there romancing rekindling on the horizon? who the hell knows, but I'm not banking on it.

In the past month ya girl has been on fire meeting dudes. But for whatever reason a few fell off..and i ain't even mad. Just dealing and talking to the 3 dudes, I've come to the realization that some folks just want you to go above and beyond. Sorta like they expect you to do certain things. I'm not a call you ever day person. And I may not answer my phone all the time but does that mean we play tit for tat? Also what's with dudes phones getting disconnected..Maybe this is judgmental of me but i kinda frown when grown ass men's cell's are disconnected. I mean you cant handle a cell phone bill? ugh!

I also heard from dude who was straight trying to have a date @ 1am.. He said I'm still on his shit list..but hell..i said if this teaches you anything, it's that I'm a prime time woman...not a midnight hour one homes...and knowing is half the battle.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Without fail, every time i step back on campus I see small scenes of college past. Everything from me and my ex fussing on the quad @ night to spring fest with Common.
Homecoming was this weekend. Being as tho UMES is a basketball school, our homecoming was always in Feb. It always amazed me how packed it got on our small campus. This was before the fancy gym and student center. Just sitting at the game me and my friends all came to the same summation. This was our last homecoming. Not because alumni turnout was low, but because we all kinda felt like the old chicks in the club. While watching the game we saw how all the young chicks were dressed to the T...I mean all dressed up...heels...eventually they came off but still. The good thing about homecoming is seeing how everyone has changed and how some folks have stayed the same. Yesterday everyone was going on and on about how i stayed the same...with a few minor adjustments...Connections were made...reconnection's were abound....I wanted to stay for a party but the old ladies didn't hahaha..

For some reason I have been really wanting to go dancing. Like every time i hear some music i wanna sway and get my dance on. I've been beaten by the dance bug. Maybe i'll go to the reggae spot tonight.

Never in my life have I had a busted blood vessel in my eye..but now i do have of my friends noticed it as i was sitting at the's huge and above my cornea. Needless to say I have an optometrist appointment next week. I know my job is getting tired of me falling apart. 2 weeks ago i had the flu, this past week I was out 2 days for oral surgery and eye :( I guess 30 is not the new 20.

It is with a whole heart i can say this blog is every where.
at any rate I have a brunch date because of said homecoming reconnection...i'll holla.

Friday, February 22, 2008

"In the beginning of dating, you set the precedent. It is those things you do in the beginning that sets the tone of your relation."(c) My granny

I wanted to type this while it was still fresh on my mind.
I'd met this guy while he was working at Morgan. Maybe 3 months ago he stopped working there. He took another job and asked for my phone number. Every once and a while he would text me. He was a friendly and congenial type of dude. Always easy going when i saw him, so i didn't mind that he wanted to keep in touch. Well today i get a text from him. He wanted to hang out and mentioned he wanted to hit this sushi spot near me. This was at 930 p.m. that he started making plans. By 10 we hand hammered down that we would meet, 11 @ the spot..So the whole time he's texting me...11 goes by, not a word.. 1130,he claimed there was a traffic back up at Pratt and that he was stuck in traffic...I wasn't bothered..XS doesn't close till 2...i told him he had until 1230..anything after I was going to bed, for i have to get up early to drive to the eastern shore for homecoming tomorrow. So of course @ 1225 i get a text that he was stuck..still in traffic that he mentioned. I just told him we can reschedule, because at this point i was tired and a bit annoyed. He goes on and on via text mind you, that this was last minute and that he really wanted to see me. Bear in mind he had asked to see me at the middle of the 9 o clock hour to hang. Anyway...i bid him goodnight..and magically he says he's on my street..and i had to come down..well at this point he met the bitch..i said i didn't have to do a thing and that it was funny that he magically was on my block as i said good night...he whines that it wasn't his fault and how the traffic had messed him up. Now, ya know i'm not a bitch i swear, but dude said he was coming from Canton...which is less that 20 mins away from my apartment..So he continues to send text..asking me to come down to the car...that late night come down to the car madness hasn't been hot since i was in college(94-98). I mean just wasn't feeling it..this bamma had the nerve to say i made him waste gas. I texted back, "you trippin, go head home." dah well... *shrugs* I mean i know it ain't that deep but, i mean wth? dude it's almost 1 in the am..If i do this..this one'll think it's cool to come and hang out at 1 am all the time..or think it's ok to just chill in yo damn car..nah i'm good..

In other news i'm super stoked about homecoming..wooooooooooooooooo go hawks!

The Laced jawn was fun as usual..way too many hilarities to type..but these are my highlights: the lesbian jawn giving me highfives as i whooped that ass in wii bowling, the champ being tipsy and doing his usual drunk hiliraties, the champ's thirsty homeboy who seemed like he just got outta jail..hehe,keke dodging ole girls kisses lol but getting locked down, union station at 130 is disgusting!,the hilarious tipsy text, seeing kdean and getting home at 400am.

update..i just got a text from him saying i owe him a night..ahahah yeah right...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I feel as if i went a round with Mike Tyson.
I went to the dentist today to get my filling fixed. I really believed that he was going to extract the tooth but he didn't and i was grateful. Mostly because i need my teeth, i smile way too much to have another missing. Albeit it's in the back but still. I'm missing one tooth I don't need another gone. The first thing i noticed was that the doctor did not dare say a word about my temp filling I'd put in my mouth. If your emergency wait is 2 weeks then I think your patients has a right to do what they have to do to alleviate the pain. While i was there they decided it would be good to check up on my previous scaling which seemed like it was 7 months ago..but they informed me it was indeed 06 when i got my scaling...i thought that was impossible but it was true. I got my cleaning and tooth polishing. I was complimented on my oral hygiene by the hygienist...that made me feel better..seeing as how the doctor shot me in my jaw 4 times with the Novocaine.

The doctor informed me that the Novocaine would wear off in an hour..not so..It took more like 3 hours. He injected me at about face was not right until about 145. So that meant I couldn't eat, because i would bite the shit out of my tongue seeing as how the whole lower right half of my face was on stuck mode. I did make sure i had the tastiest of food once my numbness went away.

Ok that's all i have because this annoying pain is getting on my nerve.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

shiny packages
without labels.
Bows in assorted colors and
Unwrapped surprises full
of excitement.
Beaming smiles and
cheshire grins.
Now forever begins.

Monday, February 18, 2008

People still use the, "I'mma wait 3 days after i get the number to call him/her?"
People! I mean come on. Does this garner you anything? Like where does this get you? And what is the reasoning behind it? A dude asked for my number and hadn't called me..and like clock work he calls me 3 days after. I mean you could genuinely be busy but *shrugs* I just found it funny.

I was getting my party on this weekend.. Started friday@ Dizzy Izzies and it ended yesterday. Went to Philly only to come home and go to DC..W^_^T!!! hahahahah..I didnt drink as much last night either. It was a nice lil esoteric affair @ Mahogany. I shall be back in DC to see and hear Pete Rock spin...Owwwwwww...

I have lil to nothing to post about..other than the fact that i got in at 130am last night and woke up feeling refreshed like i had a full 8 hours of sleep.

Owwwwwwwwwww short work week...downside...i'm going to the dentist for possible tooth extraction..geez.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Great day in the morning...

I arose at 7 am this morning. I hadn't gotten my things for this potluck I'm going to this evening. I committed to collard greens and deep fried catfish nuggets. So i hotfooted it to Lexington market to get the freshest of ingredients. 6lbs of collards and kale later, i regretted committing to greens. I mean I could fake it and dump some glory greens in a pot but i don't like the flavor of glory greens..i like the fresh taste of greens.

As I was walking to the market in the brisk am air. In the back of my mind I kept thinking i sure would love a cup of coffee, but my hands were freezing. I think i'mma take it back to the isotoner cause i need a thin lite weight glove that keeps my hand warm.

Tis all for now.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Pork rinds in the morning....

As i sipped my coffee this morning, while awaiting the bus..a lady and her 3 kids passed by me. I noticed that the 3 kids were all stair steps and I smiled. They were cute and as spry as they could be at 700am..and well cold. But as I sipped my coffee more and smiled again..i noticed they were eating something. I knew it wasn't a banana nor a muffin. So i thought what could they be eating at 700am, other than something of nutritional value. It was pork rinds! BBQ Pork Rinds. WTF? Ummm and they had apparently just bought the bag..I mean when think of how nasty pork rinds are and how they congeal in your throat, it's just nasty...and let alone for breakfast. I wish I coulda slapped the mom cause that shit was tacky. And to wash it down you know the babies had a lil hug(a qtr water for some) Not one but all three took turns digged into this big ass bag. I could feel my arteries winching as they munched and munched..the moment felt like forever as i looked in horror. This white chick was walking down the street and smiled at the kids as well..until she saw the rinds..and she made a wtf? face and passed..she turned back around to make sure her eyes had not deceived her..she looked at me for understand...i had i shook my head...then she looked at me again as if to say "get ya people."

So last night me and the bff went out for drinks after work @ Midtown..I was amazed at how many folks was in that piece. We all had laughs and i took over the jukebox..a dude kept feeding me money I kept playing the hits...Deans had already been there since about 3..i joined her at 5..when i got there she was so glossy eyed it didnt make any sense. She introduced me to her cohorts..and the party ensued. Now at about 7 the dudes wanted to take a shot...what shot did they pick..grand marnier..I had already had 2 vodka tonics(which they tried to get me to drink stoli ras and cranberry)and then i took the shot..I hadn't had anything to drink since 12ish but I was fine...Shortly thereafter i looked over at deans and she looked green about the gills...I escorted her to the bathroom..she assured me she was fine.. needless to say we cut the night short at 9. Tonight we are to go out but i don't know if she'll have as much to drink as she did last night.

Monday, February 11, 2008

And now a fable in innate nature:

[Braude, 1965]

A scorpion, being a very poor swimmer, asked a turtle to carry him on his back across a river. "Are you Scorpion mad?" exclaimed the turtle. "You'll sting me while I'm swimming and I'll drown."

"My dear turtle," laughed the scorpion, "if I were to sting you, you would drown and I would go down with you. Now where is the logic in that?"

"You're right!" cried the turtle. "Hop on!" The scorpion climbed aboard and halfway across the river gave the turtle a mighty sting. As they both sank to the bottom, the turtle resignedly said:

"Do you mind if I ask you something? You said there'd be no logic in your stinging me. Why did you do it?"

"It has nothing to do with logic," the drowning scorpion sadly replied. "It's just my character."

Saturday, February 09, 2008

I don't think I'll ever miss a Donuts are Forever event thrown by Rare Form again. I had a blast..I mean I had more than a blast. From huggin all of the beautiful people, vibin and dancin on stage with Phonte, and enjoying the beautiful works of art that Dilla left us. I mean the amount of people who showed and supported was awesome. I saw and met some awesome musical people who's music i love..Sadiq of PPP and DJ Evil Dee to name a few. Not to mention Phonte and Dj House shoes who did a awesome ass job. As far as I'm concerned Rare Form should travel all of the states and throw these parties in each major metropolitan city. I'd been excited all week but words can't express the feeling that kinda rested in SouthPaw last night..So much love for much love for good much love for people man. I know I sound like a hippie but you should've been there dear reader. I got a text about 1ish from my homegirl Nikk...she lives in BK and said she was checking out the event on a humble and low and behold who is on the stage rocking..but no other than yours truly...she said it wasn't even her who spotted me..rather a :) And how did she spot me/recognize dope ass hair cut!!! We stayed at a hotel relatively close. I have alot of folks who stay in nyc but i knew i'd be coming in late and leaving early so i thought the hotel share was the best bet. Pics can be seen HERE and HERE

We stayed at Hotel LeBleu It looked like a hotel room out of a Hype Williams video...the whole bathroom was also had a curtain capability...I thought it was rather sexy..if you were at the hotel with ya could get em worked up by lathering up..owwwwwwwwwwww...*note to self come back and stay at this hotel with the dude* The decor was white with turquoise accents....awesome awesome awesome..

I am now working on 2.5 hours of sleep..after the party we went to cozy diner in the village to get a bite to eat...very early in the morning, nyc is so beautiful to drive around and look at the still streets and buildings..Being there yesterday made me realize how much i missed nyc...I gotta go back.

that's all for now.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

There's no greater pain, than a pain in your mouth. My filling came out and there was no pain...till i decided to bite into a 1/4lb bacon cheeseburger...I guess the bacon stabbed me in the hole in my tooth and my shit has been fucked up every since. I tried to eat some curry goat but the pain was annoying..i had to eat on the other side of my mouth which already has a tooth missing. I suppose it's poetic justice since my dentist had been trying to get me to get my wisdom teeth pulled anyway..and that's where the hole my wisdom tooth :( I'm not gonna front i did handle that curry goat on the left side of mouth but the right side is stronger...I put in a temporary fill till my appt. :)

I'm getting my Teevee friday..finally my laptop can go back to being a laptop..and now i have the option of recording teevee when i want. Yay..........

Friday as well, i took off to travel to nyc to go to a Dilla Tribute. I missed last years but fat chance on missing this years :)

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Coming off of a 3 day weekend is great. I haven't been in the office since thur. of last week. In between partying @ Marvin in DC, writing a restaurant review, securing a new spot for my monthly parties, helping the bff move and unpack, watching the superbowl and catching up on The Wire, I managed to relax as well. Last week was just a hectic week all together. That coupled with trying to undate someone, that made for an interesting weekend. I don't know where to start..So i guess the beginning it is.

I'd gotten an email from a friend to come party @ this spot Marvin. It's in NW, the U street corridor. I was impressed. It gave off a lounge feel, but it mos def wasn't a lounge. Everything that came out of the kitchen looked and smelled like heavennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. The drinks were moderately priced and potent. They even had a cool outdoor patio with heating lamps..the whole vibe of the spot was sexy...Complete with pics of jazz greats up on the walls. I have to go back..this time not as a group tho. My one complaint was one of the bartenderesses(so not a word) seemed out of high at work. She clearly acknowledged me, took my order and proceeded to wait on everyone around me..needless to say she never made my drink. So i stood there patiently looking at this chick and she never said anything to me. Another bartender had to complete my order. Other than that i was all good... After that the peoples weren't ready to go in so we went to Adam's Morgan to Felix for a producers showcase. I wasn't feeling that because it was jam packed with dudes...trying to look thuggish. :( I didn't fit in at all..but then again I'm use to that. I had on my work clothing so i was dressed for business hours. Albeit fine..but ya know I looked like i was an executive or something. I got home at about 12ish and decided that i wasn't going to work...and i was glad..

Because it rained all day....I lounged all day..I felt kinda bad because my bff was moving but for the accident prone you just don't move in the rain. I knew I would be more of a hindrance than a help, so i waited for the Saturday move to assist. In addition to lounging, I spent the day on text seemingly discussing why i didn't wanna date a dude. Like he didn't take we don't mesh well as an answer. And it was the truth. We just didn't vibe. I wasn't interested in sticking around to see if eventually we would. I'm sorry. I'm at the point in my life where i know what i want and what i don't want. And I didn't want him.

Saturday...i sprung up with renewed energy and bounced to the raw bar. I held it down for 2.5 hours, talking sports, politics and video games. The raw bar is just like the barber shop..Mostly dudes talking out the side of their necks. 2 dozens oysters and 5 beers was time for me to be out. I walked to the bff's new spot and got there just in time to help with unpacking and cleaning. I was buzzed so everything and the time flew past...Before I knew it was 11pm...I got the bff her first meal for her first night in her new spot. It's her first time living completely on her own and I'm so very proud of her. I did tell her once she lives alone she'll never wanna live with someone else..unless it's to marry. :)

Everyone hemmed and hawed about not having a super bowl i chilled..till i got a call at 5pm. "Hay girl, I'm having something out my house." I got dressed, my friends came to scoop me..we got the liks and hotfooted it out to Greenspring. This was my first superbowl out there house since their dad(my uncle petey passed) and it wasn't the same. The basement where the dudes were was clearly cold and incomplete. I really miss Uncle Pete at times when someone is talking smack and clearly don't know what they talking bout..cause uncle would say,"what the hell are you talking about?" then he'd give them that wise sage look...and instant sonning. :) I was relegated to watching the game with the chicks..who wanted to split the teevee time between the super bowl and hgtv...ugh! The let me have the 1st 2 qtrs..but got bored "when no one was scoring." I explained to them the beauty of this game was in the way the respective defenses were playing the hell out of each other...I also tried to explain that The Giants offense was a bit more wily and cunning than that of this time. *sigh* They all looked so confused...that's the last time i try to explain football to a chick or chicks. Dudes I respect all of you who try...*soul power fist*

and that leads me to Monday...............which was spent on pirate bay..and other sites fishing for the entire season of the wire. I'm up to episode 7. So now all i have to see is 8, 9 and 10. If anyone knows where i can get those..holla!